Guidance for Proceeding

Like so many in recovery and in the twelve-step rooms, we are committed to passing on what we have so freely received. At the Progressive Recovery site,, you'll find free content of all kinds as well as an opportunity to sign up for periodic e-mails to let you know whenever there is more free material for your use.

Generally, we do not market, but depend on your good will to pass on what you find useful. That said, feedback told us that something more was needed and we wrote a book, Progressive Recovery through the Twelves Steps: Emotionally Sober for Life, a step-based practice guide and toolkit now available at online booksellers in print or audio format at a very low cost.

If you wish to go beyond all the curated and free content, you can pay $49.95 for the full curriculum which includes 12 modules and 10 hours of content along with a number of resources and tools. All proceeds for the curriculum are used to offset costs for the continuing development of free materials, there is no profit from these activities.

Regardless of what you decide, to thine own self be true. No matter, we will continue to develop content for free on the Progressive Recovery website, for which you can subscribe below. There is no cost, and we do very little marketing other than to continue to connect people to recovery resources.

Thank you for being a part of the Progressive Recovery Community. Nothing but the best for you and for your deepening recovery.

You are invited and encouraged to join our Progressive Recovery newsletter. We send periodic new content or encore material we find useful to our continuing recovery. Just click below to be taken to the signup form.

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