Setting the Scene for Progressive Recovery

Where to begin? 

First, to admit that the development of Progressive Recovery has taken place over more than three decades applying the Twelve Steps more and more deeply.

What you’ll find here has been tried out with a number of people, many of whom have provided feedback into the content.

Originally, it was practiced with one person at a time, then small groups, then workshops. At some point, people began to ask for more content, which resulted in the free website, Then we were asked by a number of people to summarize the work and create a toolkit for practice. 

That became the book, Progressive Recovery through the Twelve Steps: Emotionally Sober for Life.

The video that follows provides that entire back story. It’s an orientation. A place to start.

After the book was published, we were asked to provide a better way to convey the ideas so more could use them. That has resulted in this program that you have now begun. At every step we have tried to make the ideas more and more accessible and usable.

Everything in module #1 is free of charge, as is everything you’ll find at the website Freely received, freely given. 

The modules that follow this one require paid enrollment, or a scholarship that you can receive by following the guidance you’ll find further along in the course outline.

For now, welcome to Progressive Recovery.

Recovery is a launching pad, it is not a safe haven.

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